OSCA Rendezvous on the Kickamuit River
Saturday June 22 – Sunday June 23, 2019
Join the Ocean State Catalina Association at anchor on Saturday night for an evening get-together.
We’ll target 6:00 pm as the starting time for riding dinghies among various boats for sharing appetizers, entrees, and drinks as well as board games and simple story-swapping. Sleep aboard your boat and depart for home port on Sunday morning, or whenever.
No charge. Free. But please register on the OSCA web site, and the Vice Commodore will contact you via email to coordinate food and beverages.
Sailing Instructions
Access the Kickamuit River in Warren, RI, from Mount Hope Bay. Controlling depth for the channel into the river at Bristol Narrows is 7.8 feet.
OSCA boats will anchor on the east side (Touisset side) of the river in the area shown on the map.

Tidal currents in the Bristol Narrows channel can be up to 1.7 knots. On Saturday slack tide is at 1:00 pm; the maximum ebb tide (flowing out at 191 deg true) comes at 4:04 pm; the maximum flood tide (flowing northward into the river) comes at 7:46 pm.
On Sunday the maximum flood (360 deg true) is at 8:09 am; slack water at 1:40 pm; and maximum ebb at 4:50 pm.
Summer SAILstice
Friday, June 21st is the summer solstice with the longest daylight hours. Summer SAILstice was founded 18 years ago by a West Coast sailing magazine as a publicly visible annual event for sailors to celebrate their passion for sailing.
Our OSCA Rendezvous is registered as a Summer SAILstice event and thus will invite other sailors to participate and prospectively become OSCA members.