Dutch Harbor Rendezvous
August 20-21, 2022
Join the gang for a get-together on the picnic area at the Dutch Harbor Boatyard in Jamestown, Rhode Island! Saturday, August 20 to August 21, 2022.
If you plan on coming by boat, make your reservations now and let me (betstickney@gmail.com) know so I can inform Dutch Harbor. They need to know how many moorings to put aside for OSCA.
5:30 - BYO Cocktails and appetizers
Dinner: Grill your own entrée and bring a side and/or dessert to share. OSCA will provide plates, utensils and condiments.
Enjoy the sunset and catch up with your fellow OSCA friends.
9:00 am - breakfast: at Village Hearth Bakery, 1/2 mile walk.. I will reserve a large table but each person will be responsible for paying for their own breakfast.
OSCA will have the use of the outdoor grill and picnic tables at the Boatyard. There is only 1 grill, so if you have a portable grill please bring it along. Also there are only 8 chairs so please bring a chair. Umbrellas also are needed to help keep us out of the sun.
Moorings: Dutch Harbor Boatyard (dutchharborboatyard.com, 401-423-0630, VHF 69) offers transient moorings Reserve through DOCKWA.COM. When reserving through Dockwa, please mention OSCA in the ‘Special Requests” section just before pressing the “Request Reservation” button. Dutch Harbor Boatyard is a full-service marina with launch service (call on VHF 69), showers and laundry. Pump-out facilities are at the Town Dock across Narragansett Ave. from the boatyard.
Anchoring: the Beaverhead anchorage at the south end of the harbor is no longer available. The main anchorage is just north of the mooring field and south of the fish traps; ActiveCaptain gives it three and a half stars with 4 ft of tide and good holding in 10-15 ft of water. Farther north is the anchorage at the entry to Great Creek, about 2/3 NM from the Boatyard dock. Another anchorage at the north side of Dutch Island is outside the harbor and not recommended because of tidal flow.